And just 90 seconds from now I’m going to let you in on the secret psychology of “female obsession” …

It’s Something That Triggers Her Instinct to Chase You…

And Turns Her Into Your Girlfriend
with One Simple Move…


Let me ask you…

Did you ever watch a cat play with a piece of string?

It may sound like a silly question…

But, it contains the key to unlocking a “secret” female desire…

And the key to becoming the guy that women put on a pedestal and chase for sex and relationships

When the string’s dangling above her head, just out of reach, the cat goes crazy trying to get it.

It leaps in the air, it dances around and it chases that little piece of string all over the room.

But as soon as you let go of the string and it drops right between the cat’s paws, a weird thing happens.

The cat just looks at it for a few seconds, gets bored, and walks away.

Girls are the same exact way.

The easier you are to catch, the more bored and less interested she become…

You see, it goes against her nature.

She wants to chase you.

She wants the Dancing String..

So, right now I want to share with you…

The Secret to Transforming into the String that Girls Can’t Help Chasing

 I want to show you something that triggers a girl’s instinct to chase you…

And a technique I discovered, that’s like a time machine, that rewinds things right back to the beginning with her.

Transforms you into the most important man in her life, the man she’s suddenly obsessed with winning over…

And how even if you think your situation is “hopeless”…

  • Even if she already “pulling away”
  • Put you in the “friend zone”
  • Or she’s completely ignoring your texts…

This simple technique, I call “The Scrambler”

Gives you a “Second Chance” to Have her
Chasing You (instead of the other way around)

…And best of all, it’s completely “under-her-radar”, making it impossible for her to reject you.

And why this secret is even more powerful if you’re “older” than her or not like the guy she normally goes for.

I can tell you, after coaching guys in their 40s, 50s and 60s, that younger women absolutely chase “older men” and it has nothing to do with money like most guys think.

There’s a psychology behind it that I’ll explain in a second…

The Big Question About Female Desire

See, I’ve been coaching dating and attraction advice for over 14 years now…

And one of the big questions I get from guys is:

How do I make a woman really WANT ME…

How do I get her to fall in love and chase me…

A lot of times, it’s:

  • A female friend that you have a crush on
  • A coworker you might be flirting with…
  • An “ex” you want a second chance with
  • Or even a woman you’re dating that you sense is losing interest in you…

What’s ironic is, a lot of times, we can get the women that we’re not really into…

But the ones we really like, why don’t they fall for us?

The answer has to do with ONE THING every girl secretly craves…

And is the ONE THING that can change her mind…

And make all her doubts about you disappear…

Yet, not one in a thousand guys even knows it exists..

And those that do, almost never share with anyone else…

So, what’s the ONE THING?

Okay, ready?

And you might want to write it down because. It’s the core secret of “The Scrambler”…

Here it is:

A girl doesn’t fall in love when she’s with you…

She falls in love when she’s alone, thinking about you…

If you can get a girl thinking about you when you’re not around, you can make her fall in love with you…

And do it in a way that’s so stealth, so under the radar, that no girl could ever know what you’re doing…

Which makes her absolutely powerless to stop it…

It doesn’t matter if:

  • She barely notices you right now
  • Ignores your texts
  • Has told she she just wants to be friends

If you can get a girl thinking about you when you’re not around, you can make her fall in love with you.

Write it down… Tape it to your fridge if you have to…

Because if you really get this, it’s like having a key that unlocks any door…

And I’ll prove it to you in just a second….

But first, you might be wondering…

How Do You Get a Woman Thinking About You Nonstop?

See, the first step to making her think about you nonstop…

Is getting her attention…

WITHOUT revealing exactly what you want…

Listen, I know…

When you have strong feelings for her naturally, you want her to let her know, right?

Of course you do.

And that’s fine if you’re okay with her having all the power in the relationship…

And ultimately leaving you for a more dominant man…

See, the minute you lay all your cards on the table, you become what a woman refers to as a “sure thing”…

And one thing I can tell you about women is: No woman wants a SURE THING

The smart move is to MAKE HER WORK to be in a relationship with you…

See, there’s certain things a woman expects to happen when she’s falling in love.

And I designed every step to recreate this feeling in her.

Does this Mean I have to be a Jerk or Pretend to be Someone I’m not?

No, that’s another myth I’ll dispel in a minute…

Now, this isn’t learning how to play a game.

It’s About Understanding “Human Nature” and Tapping into a Woman’s Real “Romantic Fantasy”

For instance, a woman will always want what she can’t have.

It’s not about hiding your feelings forever or turning into an uncaring jerk…

It’s to use something we call “Romantic Tension”

To give her the feeling that she’s slowly winning you over every step of the way…

So that she’s chasing you instead of the other way around.

And here’s why that’s so critical.

The Secret Psychology of Female Obsession

It’s nearly impossible for a woman to feel like she’s in love…

If she doesn’t feel like she’s earning that love.

Which is the real reason that confessing your feelings too soon backfires and scares her away…

So every part of this system has her working to win you over and loving every minute of it.

And it’s all under the radar and completely bypasses her instinct to reject you.

Innocent phrases that Bait a Girl into Chasing You…

We even found there were “innocent phrases” that bait a girl into chasing you…

And you can even slip them into everyday conversations…

Even drop them into the text you send or stories you post to keep her thinking about you nonstop.

And these work no matter how attractive a girl is or how many other guys are after her…

For instance, next time you’re talking to a girl, refer to her as the F-word:

Not, the 4-letter F-word you might be thinking of, the word I’m talking about is FRIEND…

Casually say: “Let’s be friends”

And watch how quickly her flirty and feminine side comes out.

Or when you are talking to her, respond to something she says by saying:

“you’re such a girl”.

She’ll almost always respond with “what?”.

At this point just smirk and then turn your head away from her…

Why This Works…

See, what Rob and I discovered were there were certain things you can do that trigger her womanly instinct to compete…

And it becomes a challenge for her to seduce you.

It’s all part of her fantasy about earning a man’s love…

So her subconscious mind starts telling her, “I must really like this guy.”

Here’s another tip…

When you’re with a woman, lean your body back as you talk to her.

She’ll automatically begin leaning into you.

It’s a reflex.

She can’t help it, but it subconsciously makes her see you as “the prize”.

You see, the technical reason that a lot of these techniques work is because of one psychological principle.

Women Have a Tendency to Backward Rationalize Their Behavior…

So the more effort a woman puts into a relationship…

The more she convinces herself, he must be worth it.

Her brain tells her, you wouldn’t be thinking about him so much if you didn’t like him.

And if you’re older than her, or not her normal type..

It’s even more powerful because she chalks it up to some mysterious chemistry she feels with you…

In fact, here’s what Michael, who wrote to me shortly after learning the technique, said…

When I heard about this, I thought it was a load of crap…

A 53 year old guy like me getting girls chasing him, without being rich, yeah right.

But, my 26 year old co-worker, I’ve had a crush on for months…

Just spent the night with me after I used some stuff I learned in your video…

and now she’s blowing up my phone with texts… yea, I’m a believer.

The Exact Order to Use These Moves…

Now, if you use one or two of these techniques on their own…

You’ll notice a shift in her behavior.

She might start getting closer. She might start rubbing your thigh or touching you more.

But we found the real power comes when you do this unique set of moves in a very specific order…

That causes her to lose control and compels her to chase you into the bedroom.

I’m going to tell you the exact moves in a second…

Why It’s called: “The Scrambler”

We call it “The Scrambler” because it’s like an amusement park ride that scrambles her head in the way she craves…

And crowds out every other guy in her life…

Until you’re the man she thinks about all day long…

These are the same elements that fill up romance novels women read…

And it’s what women are practically programmed to chase…

When you start using this secret, she treats you like you’re the only man in the room.

Her attention is like a laser beam focused on making you hers…

It starts as a little tug, but pretty soon it’s pulling her towards you.

And even if she doesn’t know why..

She can’t stop it from happening…

It Even Works on Girls You Think Are Out of Your League…

Like Lisa…. She was a younger coworker, our client Steve, had a secret crush on for years..

But she considered him ‘just a friend.’

So Steve started using a few of the techniques when he’d see her at work…

And after just a few days, Lisa’s whispering in his ear how they need to hang out one night this week.

Right before he finally kissed her, she said:

“I can’t put my finger on it, but there’s just something different about you.”

So we started sharing it with even more guys.

And each time we did…

We Were Stunned At How Powerfully it Worked…

Like Bradley, who used it to reconnect with his old high school crush.

And how after three dates, a girl he thought he’d never get to see naked was suddenly his sweet, supportive girlfriend.

And we knew right then just how powerful it was and how many relationships could be saved.

Because “The Scrambler” is like a time machine that rewinds things right back to the beginning with her.

So you have a second chance to get things right.

That’s been the experience of the 12 guys we invited to a private closed door seminar we held at Rob’s house in Scottsdale…

Like Tom, who’s 56 and wrote to say:

I came to the seminar because there was a younger woman who worked in the same urgery center as me.

Now, after my wife left me, my confidence was crushed.

So I had serious doubts this would work, especially with the giant age difference.

But since it’s all under the radar, I felt I had nothing to lose.

Wow. It was like something ignited in her eyes and she just had to have me…

And for the past three months, I’ve been sleeping with a smoking hot 23 year old.

We watched as it worked on:

  • Female friends and co-workers
  • Bored and distant girlfriends
  • Exes that had already moved on
  • Even new girls these guys were meeting on Tinder

… the real-life success stories we’ve heard back are nothing short of astonishing.

Guys who thought their situation was “different” and couldn’t be turned around, now had the girl chasing and pursuing them.

And because the results exceeded our wildest expectations

We are opening up the Unlock the Scrambler System to a few more guys today, and giving you our complete, step-by-step playbook…

Its called: