How to Make a GIrl Horny Over Text
How to Make a Girl Horny Over Text?
Staying out of the friend zone is guaranteed when you know how to make a girl horny.
A good analogy for building sexual tension and escalating a situation with a girl is driving a car. We like to call it upshifting the conversation and encounter into sex.
If you’re stuck in first gear- then you can consider that the nice guy friend zone. And at the end of the date- a lot of guys rush to put the date into 3rd or 4th gear and they blow it. Because there is no warm up- there is no escalation.
Man times when nice guys talk to girls they become comfortable and they are scared to go out of any nice guy boundaries for fear of ruining the positive energy they have built up with a woman.
Another good analogy when you’re trying to learn how to make a girl horny is to flip on the R rated switch. You transition from PG to R Rated conversation. And that doesn’t mean X Rated conversation.
You are observing her behavior and your environment with sexual overtones – but not too much.
Sometimes you can get carried away getting to know someone – send small signals that this is a date
Throughout the date in a well timed way you want to reintroduce sexual tension.
You can shake her hand and hold it for an extra second- gives you information on where she is at mentally. If she pulls away you have more work to do.
If you’re comfortable sexual tension- then that communicates to her that you are comfortable with sex. And that instills confidence in you from her.
And early on she is tuned into sub communication. She will pick up on the electric signals you are sending non verbally.
But at some point there has to be a clear declaration – which you can call the statement of intent. It can be non verbal or verbal.
Whether it was in a group or on a date- one non verbal way is to reach out and take her hand or reach out and let her take your hand. It’s a great test to let her know when you are 100% interested.
Verbally- this is where you can throw a compliment out. Something along the line of “Stop doing X because it’s turning me on.” It accuses her of being too sexual and is playful. It’s a compliment that doesn’t put you in the friend zone. The compliment will resonate with a girl- she wants to be known as sexy rather than just pretty.
This type of compliment is accusing her of seducing you. So it is a great way to project you sexual intent on her.
If you’re at a bar or restaurant- you can escalate further and you do need to continually escalate. You can continually use accusations about her dress- her perfume or her actions which tie it into her being sexy. You want to use these comments sparingly especially when it is early in the night.
How to Get a Girl Horny- With Words
When you are just beginning to learn how to make a girl horny- sometimes it is helpful to rely on verbal statements- rather than touching until you have built up your confidence level.